Ilkley History Scrapbook of the Month

Each month we will be adding a different scrapbook of Ilkley from the Archiving group

The Archiving Group was formed in late 2018 at the request of the Ilkley Local History Hub (a joint enterprise between the Civic Society and the Friends of the Manor House) to assist them in future projects with the first being the cataloguing of the rump of the library and documents of the Olicana Historical Society. Originally formed in 1890 as the Ilkley Antiquarian Society, the Society was closely associated with the first museum in Ilkley which opened in 1892 and has evolved through many name changes over the years, adopting its present one in 1972.

Through the kind assistance of Mary Hamilton and the Community Action Bradford & District team at Christchurch on The Grove, some of these items were scanned and a sample of these archive examples can be viewed here.

One of the most fascinating records of the Society was a series of scrapbooks collated from local newspapers on aspects of Ilkley life and local history and these were maintained religiously for a period of 50 years between 1948 and 2000.

The Addingham historian Kate Mason is thought to have been involved in the enterprise but unfortunately the names of the compilers are lost to history. However, they have left a fascinating view into half a century of Ilkley life. 

The run of half a century is not quite complete; there are a couple of missing scrapbooks which we hope, given this publicity, may reappear from some forgotten corner of Ilkley to allow us to scan them also.

Our aim now is to share a new scrapbook once a month, starting in 1948 and working chronologically through the years to the last edition.  We hope you find them of interest.

The majority of the cuttings in the scrapbooks are taken from The Ilkley Gazette and we are grateful to them for giving their kind permission to share them.

Click on a picture below to open the corresponding pdf file in a new tab.

Want to read the scrapbooks in their original format?

Select this link and pick a volume from the virtual bookshelf.   On many devices you will then be able to open the scrap book on your screen and flip over the pages just as if reading the original book.  Zoom in to make the print larger.


G33(5) 1981

Stoney Lea Hotel demolished/YTV at Ilkley Literature Festival/Thames sailing barge visits Whitby/Addingham Civic Society "Past & Present" exhibition  


G33(4) 1980-81

Clarke Foley legacy from USA/ St. John's Church 75th Anniversary/ Burley in Wharfedale Church history/ Repairs to Brook Street culvert/ Wells House becomes Ilkley College


G33(3) 1980

Centenary of St Margaret's Church/19th Centenary of Roman Occupation/Artist's gallery at The Crown, Addingham/Australian trying to trace relatives/Old Bridge 300 years old/Flooding in Ilkley


G33(2) 1978

Ilkley's Home Guard 1943/Ilkley Bath Charity & Convalescent Hospital/Worst snow since 1947/White Wells NOT Roman/Ben Rhydding Methodist Church Jubilee


G33(1) 1978

Wheatsheaf Hotel before demolition/Ilkley Rugby Club 1948/Mystery of Ilkley Tradesmen's Cup/Ladies Hockey Team 1933/Last run of the Yorkshire Pullman/Old Otley passages, gunnels & yards/Wells Road 1866 - corn mills & dams.


G32(6) 1973-1978

Building a glider in 1930 / Ilkley during WWII / Donkey Jackson era / Robert Collyer's early years / Railway extension to Skipton 


G32(5) 1973-1978

1838 Ilkley survey / Askwith Quaker Meeting House / 1977 sale of Gib Field farm cottage and barn £40,300 / Ilkley Cycling Club 1937 / end of 500 year old Barden Tower farm tenancy (1975) / Obscene sculpture at the Manor House

G32(4) 1973-1978

Newsome family of Shaws Hall/Flooding after New Year's storm/Werewolves & ghosts/Farnley Church history/Denton Village stone ball/Wheatley Old Hall sold/Denton Park Estate sold


G32(3) 1973-1978

Several articles on Ilkley's bridges/The Ilkley flood of 1900/63year young DJ/Ilkley Town Hall history/The Middleton family


G32(2) 1973-1978

Ilkley answered call to WWI, Excursions by rail from Ilkley, Flats in Wells Road and Springs Lane, Conversion at 16 Church Street, Restoration of White Wells, Fire Brigade HQ relocated, Addingham St Peters re-opens, Ilkley Gazette Editor retires.


G32(1) 1973-1978

Retirement of Beanlands Grocers and its history since 1869/Picture of 1910 cycling club/Loss off right of way in Addingham/Underground water chamber found/William Henry Stott - Edwardian Grocer in Steeton/"Wishing Bridge" at Fairfield Hall removed.


G29(3) 1989 & 1998

Demolition of bus depot/bear attacks boy/Ilkley Agricultural Show/facelift at Ilkley Playhouse/disappearing prehistoric carvings/Ilkley Gazette on the Internet


G29 (2) 1987-1989

Ilkley>Skipton railway anniversary/WWII air-raid shelter found in garden/demolition of Essoldo cinema/Spa Building to be demolished on The Grove/changes at Ilkley railway station/elephants in Brook Street


G29 (1) 1984-1987

New shops on the Grove and Brook Street/Wells Road church flat conversion/4 year Christchurch development/new flats at Warlbeck/Roman fort development/major archaeological dig planned at Addingham/memories of Ilkley in 1900


G26 (2) 1993-1995

History of Sir Peter de Middleton c.1290-1335/details from early 19thC Ilkley guidebook/new Booths supermarket/Sermon Home demolished 


G26 (1) 1992-1993

Roman altar altercation inside All Saints Church/electrification of Wharfedale Line/history of railways and Samuel Ledgard buses/events to mark museum's centenary/closure of Grove Hospital/closure of Broadbents toy shop/sale of Middleton Lodge


G25 1990-92

125th anniversary (1865) of railway arriving at Ilkley / West View Park bandstand shelter / allotments on site of Memorial Gardens / Wheatley Old Hall for sale @ £395,000 / stone troughs given to Manor House / Rockwood saved from demolition / multi-million pound plan to develop Roman fort site / Listers Arms conversion / new station supermarket development, and car park (1991) / Middleton Hospital closed / life of Robert Collyer and centenary of llkley Museum / Ross Brothers garage 


G23 (5) 1987-88

Ilkley Station gas lamps turned off for the last time/Letter from WW1 found in family bible/Works by Margaret Firth on display in Manor House


G23 (4) 1987

Crescent Hotel celebrates 125th Anniversary/Train of the future - test run to Ilkley/End of an era for one of Ilkley's oldest shops/Arctic weather hits Ilkley/Old Diesels give way to new Pacers/First steps to replacing Denton Bridge


G23 (3) 1986

Wife for sale in Addingham in 1811/Ilkley Station development/Concorde at Yeadon Airport/Major archaeological dig at Addingham/local hospital closure/Crescent Hotel 125th anniversary 


G23(2) 1985/86

Dalesway House development/British Watercolour Exhibition/Addingham car park/Replica of stolen cross/Canker well on The Grove/Addingham by-pass plans


G23(1) 1985

Sale of Ilkley Hall/Passionist Fathers leave Middleton Lodge/Wells Road Methodist Church conversion to flats/Addingham by-pass/New shopping Developments on Brook Street and The Grove 


 G22 1984

"Daffodil Car Park" plans for Bridge Lane/Church Street junction/ Ilkley prepares for WW2


 G21(2) 1984

All Saints School plans/Brook Street Development Plans/Review of the year - 1983/Re-assurance for rail links/Addingham by-pass


G21(1) 1984 

Greenbelt proposals/threatened closure of Manor House/sale of White Wells/Low Mill development plans/Castle Road plans/South Hawksworth Street development.


G20(2) 1983

Threat to Ilkley rail service/new Keighley constituency/Coronation Hospital - plan to close A&E/"Style & Elegance" in Ilkley/"Heather Spa" exhibition at Ilkley Manor House/Nell Bank/Green belt proposals. 


G20(1) 1983

Castle Hill made-up from rough track/review of the "Friends" year/derelict land in Castle Road developed as new open space/Saxon crosses/proposed sheltered housing in Castle Hill/Hilliards supermarket opens in June/Ilkley Hall development plan


G19(2) 1983

Addingham and Burley by-pass campaigners/ threat of on street parking charges in Ilkley/ history of Ilkley Parish Church/ controversial new flats in South Parade.


G19(1) 1983

Excavation of West Tower of Parish Church/shopping development for South Hawksworth Street/1982 picture section/review of the year (1982)


G18(2) 1982

Plaques installed by “Friends” marking four gateways of Roman fort / new developments in Ilkley / new Hillards store plan approved / Canker Well / rows over hostel for Asian girls in Richmond Place / Addingham by-pass / plans to demolish South Hawksworth Street bus depot



G18(1) 1982

Falklands War / London debut for 14 year old Ilkley artist, Nigel Simpson / opposition to seven houses                proposed for Castle Road behind church / signs of "decay" in Ilkley / vandalism / Saxon crosses.

G17(2) 1982

Ilkley Moor improvement scheme / Brook Street fountain, toilets and vandalism / Victorian Arcade development / new Little Lane flats / history of Farfield Hall / merger of Ilkley and Bradford colleges / reprieve for Grove Convalescent Hospital / dilapidated cottages at Low Mill.

G17(1) 1982

Ilkley town centre development and store proposals / heavy snow disruption / River Wharfe freezes / review of the year -1981 / worst floods since 1947 / history of Dacre, Son and Hartley/ new Hilliards store plan/ saxon crosses/ plans for extension of Ilkley Conservation Area exhibited
G16(2) 1981

Heavy snow falls/Ilkley constituency boundary changes / closure of Grove Convalescent Home / demolition of Stoney Lea Hotel, Cowpasture Road / Duchess of Gloucester opens Nell Bank / auction sale of Steeton Hall and contents / death of Mr Arthur Kitching of Bridge Lane, former curator of Ilkley Manor House.


G16(1) 1981

Review of the year (1980) / Brook Street culvert exposed / Whitton Croft Road development / Ilkley attempts to leave Bradford Metropolitan District / Clarke Foley Centre opens / massive house clearance at Ryhill, Margerison Road, after death of Miss Mary Booth, 25,000 books and vintage motor car / photo of steam train crossing Brook Street bridge / Wells House / historic Addingham buildings / Hillards store blaze / derelict Castle Road site plans / plans for four major shopping developments in Ilkley . 


G15 1980

Explosion at electricity sub-station/New Co-op store plans controversy/Car parking charges & restrictions/Torrential rain caused severe flooding/School governors sacked by Bradford Met/Ilkley Young Scientists of the Year/Restoration of the Priory Church at Bolton Abbey/Clarke Foley Centre completed.

G14 1979 - 1980

First meeting of Addingham Civic Society / traffic management in Ilkley / Burley relief road / motorway through Wharfedale / supermarket/Co-op store plan for central car park / Nell Bank project gets underway / British Rail releases Ilkley land for development/ Ilkley considers a parish rate / plaques to mark four gates or roman fort / moorland bridleway / 111 years of church on the Grove / Castle Road flats / abattoir complaints / Ilkley day centre takes shape / Ilkley “one of the dreariest places in the world” – Sunday Times / potential to extend Ilkley’s open air market / Roman exhibition at Manor House / ancient paths and tracks on Otley Chevin / 1980 abandonment of Ilkley by-pass plans and impact on town centre plans / 80th anniversary of 1900 flood / plans to unite two churches on the Grove / deferment of Addingham by-pass / changes in Ilkley in early nineteenth century / St John’s Church 75th year jubilee.
G13 1979

Replacement of All Saints School / St Margaret’s Church dedication centenary / bridleway across top of Ilkley Moor / threat to Ilkley Town Hall / Ilkley traffic management scheme / Yeadon Airport extension inquiry / introduction of council recycling points / centenary of the Church of the Sacred Heart, Ilkley / Ben Rhydding ton planning complaint at Cardan Drive / Ilkley Trades Fair 1979 gives an introduction to shopping in the 1980s / design award for housing scheme in Valley Drive.


G12 1979

New shopping precinct in Ilkley’s central car park / selection of photos from 1978 / the forgotten spas of West Yorkshire

G11 1978 - 1979
1943 Ilkley Home Guard photo / worst winter weather since 1947 / nineteenth century photo of Ben Rhydding from Cow and Calf looking north east / Ilkley car park extension / houses for sale 1879 and 1979 / Imperial Café recollections from 1920s / derelict buildings on Castle Road behind Manor House / Roman activity week at Manor House.

G10 Jan - Nov 1978

Addingham Fleece Inn listed / photo of Wheatsheaf Inn in Ilkley showing side and rear in 1947 / report on the lecture “the place of the Manor House in the history of Ilkley” / old Otley / 50 year old workshops in Castle Road behind Manor House demolished.


G9 1974-1978

White Wells improvements / management of Ilkley Moor in 1974 / series of articles on Robert Collyer / the Great Freeze of 1825/1826 and subsequent flood / Primitive Methodist Chapel / rail complaints in 1877 / 1902 fears for new Panorama Reservoir and its 8 ½ million gallons of water / opposition to Mr Wilde in Local Board elections 1877 / westward extension of railway from Ilkley / last occupant of Mill Gill corn mill dies 1877 – Thomas Lister / Ilkley sewage scheme / demolition of buildings on Castle Road behind Manor House in 1978.


G8 1976-1977

1838 survey / 200 year anniversary of Denton Church / medieval pottery found at Manor House / Wheatley in the 1838 survey / 1879 petition for Wheatley to leave Ilkley Local Board / 1976 Wheatley Old Hall auction / 1977 £50,000 James Clarke and Sarah Foley legacy / 1874 quarrel over Craig Tarn and Dobson family / Askwith Quaker meeting house / 1934 bridge over Wharfe at Ben Rhydding / sale of Wheatley Lawn, former children’s home / 1977 Silver Jubilee celebrations /  Tony Emmott of Ilkley “Mr World” bodybuilder / biggest Jubilee parade in Yorkshire / 1935 Silver Jubilee celebrations in Ilkley / various articles on railway extension schemes from 1874/1881 / Donkey Jackson articles / Ilkley during WW2 / early years of Robert Collyer.

G7 1973-1976

Swastika stone, Bronze Age calendar / rear of Manor House improvement / Canker Well gardens / Ilkley cabmen’s shelter / Ilkley Pool / History of Newall Old Hall (demolished 1920s) / demolition of Nell Bank 1973 / Methodism in Wharfedale / Scow Hall history / Newsome family of Shaws Hall, Askwith / Denton stone ball / family names around Ilkley from the 1838 survey. 


G6 1974-1976

History of Ilkley bridges / Ilkley town hall scheme / dispute over quarry behind Cow and Calf Rocks in 1884 / enclosure threat and purchase of Ilkley Moor 1893 / description of Ilkley flood 12 July 1900 / history of Middleton family / removal of railway bridges and embankments / proposal by Oswald Lister to build seven cottages in Paradise (next to Ilkley Old Bridge) 1892 / Ilkley museum proposals in 1890s / Ilkley charities, a series of articles including chantry of St. Nicholas / article on the streams and springs of Ilkley / 1928/1929 rejection to build new reservoir / municipal golf course / Ilkley in the nineteenth century and the old village / 1876 Bradford trade slump halts Ilkley’s rapid development / Menston Hall elm tree felled / obituary of Miss E M Fletcher.

G5 1971-1972

Sale of Denton Park estate 1971/ Robert Collyer, series of articles


G4 1967-1971

Saxon crosses / West End mills / new West end church / Ilkley’s oldest shop / Wharfedale railway history / Leeds Road Congregational Hall 1902 / Girton’s painting of Manor House / Twelve Apostles uprighted / Burley Pudding Tree / North  Sea Gas comes to Ilkley / Seventeenth century cottage in Longcroft Road, Ben Rhydding

G3 1962-1966

John Prior, eighteenth century Nesfield clockmaker / two fine clocks presented to Manor House Museum / Roman fort excavations 1962 / The Hebers of Hollin Hall / railway centenary celebrations / recollections of Middleton in the early twentieth century and the building of Marsh Ghyll Reservoir / dismantling Brook Street railway bridge / last thatched cottage on the Grove / history of Burley Church / White Wells development row / Thruscross Reservoir opens.

G2 1958-1962

Tatefield Hall and Hazlewood Castle visits / old coaching days around Ilkley / Roman road through Ilkley, Manchester to Aldborough / first Ilkley Museum in 1892 / history of parish church and organ / Donkey Jackson / conversion of Manor House / official opening 1961 / Old Burley inns / Roman fort excavation 1962

G1 1948-1958

1949 re-opening of Ilkley Museum after 10 years / Roman occupation / weathering of churchyard Saxon crosses / Ben Rhydding Hydro demolition / Manor House scheduled for slum clearance in 1955 / proposals to convert Manor House to museum & art gallery in 1956 / Swastika Stone / Job Senior, Hermit of Burley Woodhead / tracing roman roads

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