Kersten Hall is a visiting fellow in the Centre for History of Science at the University of Leeds and describes his work as involving writing about long dead scientists who few people have heard of and trying to persuade us why their stories matter. In a slight digression from this theme, his talk to Ilkley U3A will focus on a forgotten corner of Europe that few people have heard of, and why its story matters – a subject which, due to his family history, is close to his heart and is told in his short story for children, ‘The Unknown Soldier' ( Twitter: @monkeynut_coat
NB. At this event there will be a membership desk at which you can renew your subscription for 2024 / 2025
Entrance is FREE
Free tea or coffee and a biscuit served from 10.00 when the doors open. The talk starts promptly at 10.30.
You are welcome to bring a friend.
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