Archaeology walk on Ilkley Moor

  • 21 Jun 2023
  • 10:00 AM - 3:00 PM
  • Car park at the Cow and Calf Rocks, LS29 8BT

We will meet at the Cow and Calf Rocks car park and set off at 10AM. Our route will take us up onto Green Crag Slack and from there to the Twelve Apostles stone circle, returning along the Dick Hudson path back to our starting point.

We will see prehistoric stone enclosures, Neolithic cup-and-ring carvings and evidence for more recent activity on the moor. Please wear stout footwear and warm waterproof clothing.

We will stop a couple of times for refreshment, so bring a packed lunch and drinks. Bring headphones for use with the tour guide. We should be back by 3PM, but timing depends on the weather and ground conditions and how much time we spend talking! There will be no charge.

We will be using the u3a audio tour guide system so please bring your own headphones. Any that use a standard 3.5 mm jack plug, often provided with portable music players or mobile phones will work.

Alternatively email John Hancock ( before the event to order new headphones at £3 cash payable on the day.

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