Christmas Celebration Concert 2019  

Welcoming a packed hall, Chair Angie Grain congratulated our oldest member, Mrs Peggy Lambert (who was not able to attend) on reaching the age of 100, dispatching a card and bouquet of flowers to her home in Ilkley.

Then it was the turn of Town Crier Isabel Ashman’s handbell and her stentorian paean to the U3A to usher in the morning’s entertainment. Isabel is seen below with David Hewitt.

Isabel Ashman, Town Crier, and David Hewitt

A superb set of three songs by the Singing for Pleasure group led by Brian Mason.......

Singing for Pleasure Leader Brian Mason Brian on the piano

Singing for Pleasure group performing 

....was followed by a hilariously animated rendering of The Twelve Days of Christmas led by Tudor-clad David Hewitt and featuring a line-up of Trustees.

The Trustees performing The Twelve Days of Christmas

Sue Butler and Anne Johnson continued the Christmas theme with two poetry readings, followed by lively interpretations of some old favourites by Ukelele groups 1 and 2.

Ukelele 1 Ukelele group 1

Ukelele group 2  Ukelele 2

It only took one false start to get into gear for a memorable rendition of "While Shepherds Watched" to the tune of "Ilkley Moor Baht ‘At".

A break for traditional mulled wine and mince pies was followed by the combined guitars and strings of the Tuesday Tappers and Swinging Sixties who soon had the rafters ringing, a theme continued in the last rousing session with the audience singing along4fun.

The audience enjoying the Ukelele 2 group

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