Victorian Entertainment.  “Home Sweet, Sweet Home”: 

Thursday 29th August 2019

“Home Sweet, Sweet Home” was organised by the Singalong 4 Fun group.  Encouraged by MC David Hewitt and the provision of song sheets, over 80 members and friends joined in singing many favourite ditties from the era.

    Our 80 strong audience and a selection of props we used 

Our 80 strong audience and a selection of the props we used.

The event examined the role of singing, through the medium of a “singalong”, at a time when people had to make their own entertainment. This was also an opportunity for the group to showcase their Concert Party which meets about a dozen times a year to entertain residents in Care Homes.  An example to inspire other U3A groups to visit “4th Age” residents of Care Homes with their own programmes.

Dear Old Pals   The Three Fivers

              Old Pals                                                                        The Three Fivers

Songs and monologues ranged from the middle class family gathered round the parlour piano, through the coarser broadside street ballads; song and supper clubs; chorus songs in the music halls and finally, the comic operas of Gilbert & Sullivan and others.

Special mention should be made of the individual contributions by Penny Wragg of the Poetry group presenting a selection of Victorian monologues, including  "The Green Eye of the Little Yellow God", and Robin Morely with his interpretation of “Two Lovely Black Eyes” and “Goodbye Dolly Gray”. 

The promised mystery guest turned out to be Richard Green who gave a particularly powerful performance of “The Holy City” and followed by the much lighter “Daisy Bell”, complete with tandem.

Jerusalem, Jerusalem      Daisy, Daisy     Penny Wragg reading the monologue “The Green Eye of the Little Yellow God”         Jerusalem, Jerusalem                                                                 Daisy, Daisy                               Penny Wragg and her monologues

This link to YouTube shows Richard meeting up with Louis Tomlinson of One Direction who helped with ticking off several items from his bucket list.  Worth 3 minutes of your time to watch: select or click here

The Man who broke the bank at Monte Carlo


David Hewitt kept the show on the road by introducing each song in turn, putting them in context with the events of the time.  He added humour wearing a series of costumes and a range of hats during such favourites as “The Man who broke the bank at Monte Carlo” and “When Britain Really Ruled the Waves”.


                                                                                                           The Man who broke the bank at Monte Carlo

Photos by David Varney and video by Neil Stevens, thanks from the Singalong 4 Fun group for a job well done.

Last but not least, a special note of thanks to Gwen Hewitt and John Edwards on the piano who seemed effortlessly to keep pace with the many changes of style and tempo throughout an enjoyable afternoon of excellent entertainment.  Also Wendy Seel, Marjorie Seel, Moira Croft and Barbara Newman who provided valuable support in organising the event.

      The Concert Party

The "Concert Party"

You can watch a video of highlights of the concert below.

For those interested in joining the Singalong 4 Fun Group and their support of the 4th age residents in our area, please use this link to their group page.  Here you will also find links to the notes used by David when introducing the songs and a copy of the song sheet for you to practice by your own fireside!

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