French Conversation (Even Thursdays a.m.) Group

French Conversation, Thursday

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Our group is now in its 5th year and all but one of us joined at the outset. We meet between 10 and 12 on Thursday mornings (even weeks) at the Lister Arms (Wetherspoons) in Ilkley and are a mixed bunch(!) with different reasons for wanting to speak French and differing abilities.  With this in mind we choose a topic for the next meeting in advance, which gives those who are less confident time to prepare and also ensures that everyone has a turn.  We’ve covered so many topics from family to famous people, buildings and culture, history and future plans, the arts, travel and food to name but a few.  It’s always really interesting and great fun.  Emphasis is on improving understanding and fluency and developing confidence in oral communication, rather than picking up on mistakes, and we’re always learning new vocabulary, not to mention an insight in other cultures.  As we have grown more confident so a move to more general conversation has developed, although having a topic has meant that we have certainly lived up to U3A’s guiding principles of lifelong learning - a recent meeting heard us discussing the cultivation of arnica, Keighley show and LS Lowry – we are nothing if not eclectic!

 Unfortunately the group has no vacancies, but do get in touch if you're interested.  We can add your name to a waiting list and, who knows, if enough people want to join it could lead to the birth of a new group!

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