Classic Vehicle Group

What we do?     Here is an example:

On Friday 3rd of May some of the members of the Classic Vehicle Group gathered in The Wheatley Arms car park, Ben Rhydding.

There were seven cars in all ranging in years from 1930 to 2019! The drivers all had one thing in common however, and that was a real interest in their own and others’ vehicles. Some members don’t have their own classic but come along and have the pleasure of travelling in a range of vehicles.

I had produced some directions as the aim was to get to Fountains Abbey, using smaller byroads. Along the way there were many adventures. One was meeting a car on a very narrow road which was determined not to budge, so two classics had to reverse some way into a field to let him past. We also managed to get lost, not helped by the fact that one of the pubs mentioned on the route as a marker, was no longer there.

All but one car managed to reach our destination and we were last, much to the amusement of others. It was the first time one of our members had been on one of our excursions and he said he really enjoyed himself.

That’s what the group is all about, sharing our enjoyment of classic vehicles.

For more information on the Classic Vehicle Group, click here

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