Circle Dancing Group

Who are we?

We are very lucky to have two circle dancing groups in the Ilkley U3A.  We have  the Circle Dance group who meet on a Monday afternoon and the Let’s Circle Dance group who meet on Tuesday mornings.  Across the two groups we have 64 members.  We have fun, friendship and exercise.  Circle dancing is for people of all ages, abilities and levels of fitness who want to dance. 

           Meet some of the dancers.

What we do?

We learn dances from around the world.  Circle dancing is the oldest known dance formation and was part of community life when people first started to dance and play music.  We learn traditional folk dances and contemporary dances to a wide variety of music from traditional to classical and modern to pop.  The dances have a variety of form and mood, from slow and meditative to energetic and celebratory.  Circle dancing is very versatile and adaptable and for every energetic dance there is a gentle one to follow.  No partner is needed and no special clothing is required, just soft comfortable shoes.  We are taught the steps to each dance and then we all dance it together.  We always say in circle dancing  “there are no mistakes, only variations!”

A feature of circle dancing is the centrepiece.  It provides a focus for the dancers making sure that the circle stays in the same place in the room and that our energy is directed towards that centre.

Circle dancing is good for the memory and co-ordination. It is meaningful and uplifting and it broadens out understanding of different cultures through music and dance. We have visiting teachers from all over the country who come to teach us as well as dancing weekends and holidays together.

For more information on the Circle Dancing Group, click here

For more information on the Let's Circle Dance Group, click here

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