Art For Fun

Art for Fun started 7 years ago with about 8 enthusiasts, 5 of which are still part of this very informal and creative group which now has close to 40 names on the list. We meet every Friday morning at the Baptist church in Ilkley where various types of 2 dimensional art take place: drawing, watercolour, acrylics, pastels and any combination you like. The year is split into 3 periods of 10-14 sessions: September-Christmas, January-Easter and after Easter 'till early July. No stopping during half term.

There is no tuition nor do we invite any speakers; in fact there is no need for either as we all help each other (if wished and/or requested) and there is enough chatting in this very social environment. Some examples of our work are shown below:


For more information, select or click here to go to our group description page.

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