Art Appreciation Group

We are a lively and growing group and have been pleased to welcome quite a few new members this last term; none of us are art experts but we just enjoy exploring a wide range of art and sharing our learning with others.

Recently we have looked at Japanese art, followed by Japanese flower arranging, Brunelleschi’s dome, had a session with a working sculptor explaining her work and a group visit to York Art Gallery to see a very modern exhibition there. Our pre-Christmas meeting was very lively with everyone sharing their own personal favourite images of Christmas or Winter – it led to some very insightful discussions!


Our programme for 2019 includes Grayson Perry, Russian Art, Female Artists, Art in Advertising and Jewellery as Art. We will have some more gallery visits and hopefully a full day visit in the spring.

We have nearly 50 members, but have room for new members if anyone would like to join us. (Meetings are in the Clarke Foley Centre from 2.30 – 4.30 pm on alternate Mondays on even weeks)

Angie Grain  (

Group Leader

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