Ilkley & District u3a  

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Railways Group

For the latest Information on our group including photographs and programme of events, select here


A mixture of outside speakers and contributions from our own members. The ethos is very friendly and supportive; we are also non-specialist, catering for those whose interest in railways is more general as well as life-long railway enthusiasts. There is no limit on numbers.


Robin Leleux


Clarke Foley Centre Ilkley.


We meet in the large hall of Clarke Foley every fortnight at 2:30 pm on a Tuesday for a couple of hours.  Entry available from 2:20pm.

A full programme of speakers will be organised from 1st October 2024 until the Christmas break and then restart Tuesday 7th January 2025 until Easter.


£20.00, preferably payable before the first meeting, cheques payable to Ilkley & District u3a Railways Group. Coffee/Tea may be purchased during the interval 

Contact Information:

u3a Members please contact Robin.

Non u3a Visitors please click here.


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