Ilkley & District u3a  

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Otley Sewing Collective is offering free make your own draught excluder sessions at Beech hill church on alternative Wednesdays from 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM starting the 25th January 2023. More info


Otley Sewing Collective


Our main aims are to have fun, improve our sewing skills, share our learning and skills and help the community.

We have 6 machines available to use and 2 overlockers in addition to cutting boards and haberdashery supplies.

Members can bring any sewing they are working on and we can teach new members to sew.


Andrea Petch


Beech Hill Church, 20 – 24 Westgate, Otley


The first Saturday of the month 11:00am to 1:00pm and third Wednesday of the month from 7:00pm to 9:00pm. No meetings in August.

Cost: £3 per session to cover room hire. Fabric for personal projects available at a nominal charge.

Contact Information:

U3A Members please contact Andrea

Non U3A Visitors please click here.


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