Name: |
Motorbike Group Two For further information about our activities, click here |
Description: |
There are only so many riders that it is realistic to take in a convoy and when our first group became too large, it is only natural to start a second one. We follow the example set in the original group by meeting throughout the year, weather permitting. The aim is to enjoy riding, improve riding skills and of course meet up for coffee and a bit of lunch along the way. A typical ride will be to the lakes, coastal runs, cover up to 100 miles and take most of the day however, we can tailor the run to suit participants who might not want to be out that long. If there is a demand for shorter runs, that can always be arranged according to demand. Riders will be expected to be fully taxed and insured. Also to take turns in organising trips. We have two motorbike groups. Details of the other group can be found on this link. |
Organisers: |
Mike Hogg |
Venue: |
Varies according to the ride |
Times: |
To be decided after first few ride outs |
Cost: | Cost of petrol and refreshments |
Contact Information: |
U3A Members please contact Mike. Non U3A Visitors please click here. |