Ilkley & District u3a  

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Film Discussion Group


Have you ever stumbled from the cinema, mind spinning with ideas and sensations, desperate to share the experience with someone? Then come and join this group of film fans (you don’t have to be a ‘buff’!) who want to rave about faves, clash over classics, and unearth new gems.

Think of it as a reading group but with films instead of books. We will choose a film in advance (from various sources such as BBC iPlayer, DVD, streaming and current cinema releases), watch it independently, then meet to dig deeper into the film and our reactions to it. The group leaders hope that members will share both the choosing of films and the leading of discussions.

To participate fully, you will need access to free streaming services such as BBC iPlayer, and be prepared to buy the occasional DVD and cinema ticket. (Note: this is a new group for 2022 and is quite different from the previous Film Study Group run by Mike Johnson, which has now finished.) 


Paul Johnson and Anne Clarke

Availability:This group is presently full but it is running a waiting list which you can join by completing our 'Group Full' form here or by emailing  By letting us know of your interest, you will alert our 'Groups Team' and once there are enough people on the list, we will endeavour to start a second group. 


The Dales Room, Christchurch, The Grove, Ilkley


Our Autumn 2023 season starts on Friday 15 September and continues fortnightly until 8 December from 10:00 am to 12 noon.
Cost: The cost of venue hire will be shared by group members and will depend on numbers joining; this will be payable per season, not per meeting.

Contact Information:

U3A members please contact  Paul or Anne

Non U3A visitors please click here.

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