Ilkley & District u3a  

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Flat Green Lawn Bowls


The Ilkley u3a Lawn Bowls Group, plays at Ben Rhydding Bowls Club (BRBC). The next season will start on Monday 29th April 2024.

New (and returning) members are invited to join us to play on the club's superbly tended lawns. Coaching will be given to beginners and those who wish to improve their existing skills.

All playing equipment (including a good range of sizes of bowls) can be provided. Please bring comfortable flat soled - no heels - shoes.


Peter and Yvonne Kierman.


Ben Rhydding Bowls Club, Coutances Way, Leeds Road (A65) Ben Rhydding (LS29  8AW for sat nav purposes).


Monday afternoons (including Bank holidays) from 1345 – 1615.

The  registration cost for 20+ weekly sessions is £40, (Cheques payable to BRBC).

For those wanting to pay on-line:

Sort Code: 11-64-58

A/C No: 24050061

Reference: your name & u3a SUBS.

However those who wish to play in the Monday u3a sessions and also in the Ben Rhydding Bowls club's afternoon sessions (Tuesday night & Thursdays, Saturdays and Sunday afternoons) can do so by just joining the bowls club. The cost is £40 in their first year & £80 thereafter.

From this season, there will NOT be any green fees payable each time a person plays, but there is still free tea/coffee & a biscuit at the mid game interval.

Contact Information:

U3A Members please contact Peter Kierman

Non U3A visitors please click here.

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